Paper Dice

This is a little method to making dice out of toilet paper. They actually look like they are made out of paper mache and they are actually pretty hard. I couldn't find the youtube video that told me how to make them, so just so you know, no credit goes to me.

1. Take some toilet paper (I usually use 3 squares).

2. Take one of the squares and make it completely wet, meaning just drench it in water. Then start to squeeze some of the loose water out of it while forming it into a cube.

3. Then take another square of toilet paper and start wrapping it around the first little cube. After you've done that, wet the whole thing in water and squeeze the loose water out, while forming it into a cube.

4. Do the some process with the third square and then let them dry for a really long time. (it takes about 12 hours for them to dry, depending on if you have a ceiling fan on or something like that.)

5. Once they are all dry, put the dots on them! (a little secret - a normal dice has all opposite numbers add up to 7. This means that a if you put a number on one side, then put a number on the side directly opposite from it, both numbers added together would equal 7. For example, 4 on one side and 3 on the side directly across from it.)