The Stealthy Way to Pass Notes in Class

This is a method my sister told me about. I don't know if anyone else knows how to do this so don't blame me for copying you if you already did. Also, I know a lot of people know about this already. It's just for the people who don't. All you have to do is take a pen and unscrew the tip so that you can get to the ink cartridge. Once you've done that, take a small piece of paper that is no longer than the pen and write your message on it. Then, wrap it around the ink cartridge tight. After that, screw the tip back on the pen and pass the it! If the teacher asks you what you're doing, you can just say you're letting someone borrow the pen, as you cannot see the message from the outside of the pen. You can look at the picture below for help (In my picture I don't have the paper wrapped tight around the pen because I couldn't hold it tight while scanning it):