Wii Save

This isn't really a Do-It-Yourself, but it is a really useful site if you can't seem to beat a certain wii game. All it really is is a site that has free save games for wii games. All you have to do is download a save file, put it on an SD card, and load it onto your wii. Be sure to check out the tutorial on the site for more info. If you don't have an SD card reader, you can buy one here. (There should also be an offer for the SD card reader and an SD card for like $23 if you don't even have an SD card)

Here is the site.

The Stealthy Way to Pass Notes in Class

This is a method my sister told me about. I don't know if anyone else knows how to do this so don't blame me for copying you if you already did. Also, I know a lot of people know about this already. It's just for the people who don't. All you have to do is take a pen and unscrew the tip so that you can get to the ink cartridge. Once you've done that, take a small piece of paper that is no longer than the pen and write your message on it. Then, wrap it around the ink cartridge tight. After that, screw the tip back on the pen and pass the it! If the teacher asks you what you're doing, you can just say you're letting someone borrow the pen, as you cannot see the message from the outside of the pen. You can look at the picture below for help (In my picture I don't have the paper wrapped tight around the pen because I couldn't hold it tight while scanning it):

Mini Peg Gun

This is an awesome little pocket-sized shooter that can launch a match, tooth pick, or anything around the size of those. It's fairly easy to make, as all it is is a clothes pin and a rubber band.
Here is the one I made:

And here is the link to the video.

Block Posters

Turn an ordinary image into a sweet poster using a site called "Block Posters". I've made a poster of my own using a picture of a simpson's movie poster. All you have to do is upload a picture, select how many pieces of paper you want it to be made of, and print out the pages that make up the poster! One of the things you need to make sure of for this to work, is that the picture you are uploading is either in JPG or GIF format. If your picture isn't one of these formats, it will display an error message. To change the format, open the picture in Paint. Then click on File, Save As, and choose JPG or GIF from the drop down menu. I usually use JPG. Another thing you have to do is to check " " on the page that appears after you've uploaded your picture. On the last page, click on "Click here to download a PDF file containing your images" and click on the print button.
Here's the one that I made (You don't have to leave the white lines on. You can just cut them off.):

And here is the link to the site.

Light Drawings

This is an awesome way to draw with light. All you need is a flashlight and a digital camera that has an adjustable exposure.
Here's a pic that I made:

And here is the link.

Paper Catapult

This is yet another paper creation. It's a paper catapult that only uses paper, and a toothpick. I haven't made it yet but it looks sweet! It's probably really good for times when you're bored and have a couple hours to spare.

You can find it here.

Origami Transforming Frisbee

Here's a cool origami transforming frisbee. I made mine out of post-it notes so it's smaller. It easily transforms from a 7-pointed star into a frisbee that actually flies pretty good.
Here is the one that I made (I put the dots on it so you could see how it changes more clearly):

Here is the site.

Paper Dice

This is a little method to making dice out of toilet paper. They actually look like they are made out of paper mache and they are actually pretty hard. I couldn't find the youtube video that told me how to make them, so just so you know, no credit goes to me.

1. Take some toilet paper (I usually use 3 squares).

2. Take one of the squares and make it completely wet, meaning just drench it in water. Then start to squeeze some of the loose water out of it while forming it into a cube.

3. Then take another square of toilet paper and start wrapping it around the first little cube. After you've done that, wet the whole thing in water and squeeze the loose water out, while forming it into a cube.

4. Do the some process with the third square and then let them dry for a really long time. (it takes about 12 hours for them to dry, depending on if you have a ceiling fan on or something like that.)

5. Once they are all dry, put the dots on them! (a little secret - a normal dice has all opposite numbers add up to 7. This means that a if you put a number on one side, then put a number on the side directly opposite from it, both numbers added together would equal 7. For example, 4 on one side and 3 on the side directly across from it.)

Paper Critters

An awesome papercraft site where you can make your own little papercraft dude (or girl)! Feel free to submit a comment containing your own paper critter, too.

Here's one that I made:

And here is the site.

Paper Boomerang

This is just a little paper boomerang that works indoors. I haven't made it yet, but I want to test it out. Be sure to print it on thicker paper. If you don't have thicker paper, you can print out the template, then trace it on cardboard or a cereal box.

Get it here
Hey everyone! This is the first post of the Create It blog. The things I'll post are just little things you can make, mostly with objects or tools you can find in your house. I'm planning on posting 5-10 things to create every month unless I'm not home, too busy, etc. I might even want to post more than 5 a month if I really find a lot of DIY's.

Note: I'm not posting links to tutorials I created. I'll only be taking pictures (sometimes I won't) of the finished projects, and then posting a link to wherever I found out how to make it.
